Saturday 13 June 2015

Carers Week & Living With Dementia

If you're not aware this week was Carers Week: a week celebrating the voices of those who care for a loved one. All week on the Jeremy Vine show exceptionally moving stories of carers in all walks of life were shared on the radio. Being a subject so close to home, I found the show very touching to listen to and its also helped put some things in perspective for me. Earlier this year our family moved in to care for my Nan with Dementia (you may remember this post.) In doing so we sacrificed a life that was normal to us. Consequently a lot has changed in the last few months.

Listening to other people's stories this week really gave me some perspective on the situation though. How grateful we should be that we are in it together, my mum and dad have each others support through caring for my Nan and even though sometimes that doesn't feel like enough, its a damn sight more than what some people have. Life is never a smooth journey and although this is a big bump in the road it could be worse.

Although it can be a pain to live with, none of us are in any pain. None of us are suffering. The kindness and sacrifice my parents have made is allowing an old lady to live for as long as is possible in her own home. Nobody chooses this life. It can happen to any single one of us. What is in our hands is our attitude towards it.

I have felt angry. I have thought so many times 'why us?' But mostly now I feel compassion. I feel an absolute sense of love towards my parents even though I have not always shown it or fully supported some of their decisions this year. I can see now that this will eventually only make us all stronger.


  1. I actually had no clue it was carers week but I've been seeing a lot of news stories about carers so that makes sense. It must be really hard for everyone though - dementia is such a terrible thing and I'm lucky that it hasn't effected any of my family members so far.

    1. It's a hard illness to get your head around, I wouldn't wish it on anyone !


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