Champneys Facial Cleansing System | Boots | £19.99 | Link |
Hey, today I'm coming at you with a product review and that is a review of the Champneys Facial Cleansing System. I'm going to be giving you the run down on how I've found this product, and ultimately answering the question - is this the budget friendly alternative to the Clarisonic Mia?
The hype around the innovative forms of facial cleansing have become undeniable with a range of brands now adding their own versions of facial cleansers to the market - however this type of technology does not come cheaply with a Clarisonic setting you back at least £100. However much I researched and read mostly only positive reviews there was no way I was parting with that kind of money without knowing if it would be something I liked or if it would work for me. Imagine my surprise when I stumbled across the Champney's Facial Cleanser on offer on Boots online for £19.99 - what did I stand to lose?
After using this daily now for almost a month I think I can give you an honest and fair review of my experiences with this facial cleansing system and offer you my opinion of the Pros and Cons of the Champneys Facial Cleansing system. Before I start I should point out that my skin is normal and I
usually just suffer from the occasional breakout.
How does this work?
Switch this on and it begins vibrating: it is these vibrations that are said to cleanse your face thoroughly and 'remove impurities from the skin'. I have been using this daily either in the mornings or in the evenings with my Body Shop Vitamin E cream cleanser which I have found to be a really nice combination. For best results I dampen my skin and run some warm water over the brush head so it becomes really soft before I apply it to my face. In the evenings when I'm using this to remove my face makeup I always make sure I've taken off any eye makeup with my Bioderma beforehand. The leaflet provided in the box suggests you to work in circular motions and the rough guidelines are to spend 10 seconds on your cheeks and 20 seconds on your T-zone area so the forehead, nose and chin. Once I have roughly cleansed my face to those guidelines I simply rinse my face and I'm good to go.
The set is very simple and in the box you just have the main piece that you attach the brushes to and this comes with a small stand. Also included are two sets of exfoliation brushes and two normal brushes. I haven't really used the exfoliation brush so I won't touch on that but basically you can very easily remove the brush heads and swap them around for your own choice and this is also handy when it comes to cleaning the brushes themselves. The normal brush is very inoffensive, it hasn't irriated my skin but it still manages to make it feel nicely refreshed afterwards.

- Price Tag
This has got to be the biggest thing in its favour as its considerably more purse friendly in comparison to others similar on the market. For under twenty pounds this is so cheap and definitely more accessible to people who aren't prepared to spend an excessive amount for their skin care routine.
- Effective in what it says it does
Since using this I have noticed an improvement in the way my skin looks and feels. I really do feel as though this removes my makeup more thoroughly than I could and you can visibly see what it is removing on the brush as you move it away from your face. Black heads around my nose and chin have definitely been reduced and I have just noticed a general positive effect on my skin in general, my spots are nowhere near as bad as they had been which is probably a result of this removing my makeup more effectively. And considering its winter and my skin is usually quite dull I have noticed a perkiness to it that I normally wouldn't see during this time of year.
- Water resistant
You can use this in the shower due to it being water resistant which is definitely helpful to me as it means I can incorporate it into my morning routine every morning.
- Compact / lightweight
This is very light and compact which would make it ideal for those who are frequently travelling or maybe to leave in your gym bag for those who are on the go. Although this also works as a disadvantage too (see below.)
- Battery operated
One of the biggest drawbacks for this in my opinion is that it is battery operated. Being battery operated means that when this runs out of charge its not as simple as being able to plug it in at the wall and leave it to charge for how ever many hours, you have to be prepared and have batteries backed up (which by the way,who even keeps batteries anymore?!) Although in the box this did at least contain two AA batteries but in the future it means the inconvenience of needing replacement batteries as apposed to charging it through the electrics. Another thing that this means is that although this product is initially cheaper to buy up front than other facial cleansing systems having to buy replacement batteries each time it runs out of charge eventually results in you spending out more money than you originally thought.
- Basic
This is very basic and though that may be ok to some people I just feel like this shouts its £19.99 price tag a little too loudly. With its all white design that looks a little too plastic for my liking and the simple on/off setting there is no denying that this is nothing fancy and instead is rather a true reflection of its price tag. I've also noticed that this has slipped out of my hands a few times as there isn't any grip on the handle and considering that this isn't the sturdiest feeling thing in the world it makes me a little unnerved that one more drop on the floor could eventually see the death of it altogether.
Overall Impression.
My overall impression on the Champneys Facial Cleansing system is that you get what you pay for, I found this to work quite well on my skin but I also found it to be nothing outstanding but then again what can you really expect from something that is under twenty pounds? Although I personally have not ever tried the Clarisonic I would say that for those on a budget that yes this is probably a good high street equivalent. For now I am going to continue using the Champneys Facial Cleansing system and at least get my moneys worth out of it but this has made me decide that I am probably going to invest in a Clarisonic or something similar one day for use in my skincare routine for the long run as I can't see this lasting forever.What is your must have item in your skincare routine? Do you use a facial cleansing system like this?
Love this post, i'm always in for new amazing products!
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Have a wonderful day.
Thank you :)